Learning Disability (LD) Learning Disability is an individual’s academic under achievement in reading, writing and mathematics despite the presence of average to above average intelligence, appropriate instruction, regular school attendance and favorable environment. Approximately 10% - 12% children are…
read moreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ADHD is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and adulthood. It is currently recognized as a disorder with behavioural, emotional, educational and cognitive aspects that impact on the life…
read moreChildhood Anxiety Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders in youth, affecting more than 10 percent of children and adolescents at some point in their development. Children with learning and attention issues may be even more likely…
read moreSchool Refusal Children with school refusal may complain of physical symptoms shortly before it is time to leave for school. If the child is allowed to stay home, the symptoms quickly disappear, only to reappear the next morning. In some…
read moreDepression Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity. It may be a normal reaction to occurring life events or circumstances, a symptom of a medical condition, a side effect of drugs or medical treatments, or a…
read moreOppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a behavior disorder in which the child is hostile, uncooperative and defiant toward peers, parents and other. Children who have ODD are often disobedient, easily angered and may seem to be…
read moreConduct Disorder Conduct disorder is a group of behavioral and emotional problems that usually begins during childhood or adolescence. Children and adolescents with conduct disorder usually have behaviors characterized by aggression to persons or animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or…
read moreAnger is a very common emotion that everyone experiences at times. Children and adolescents tend to get angry when they are stressed, frustrated or feel that something is unfair. Feeling angry at times is as natural as feeling happy and…
read moreAddictions in Children and Adolescents When we think of addictions we often think of smoking, chewing tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs. More recently, we have seen different types of addictions in children and adolescents such as the Internet, gambling, pornography and…
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Jayesh K.G is an experienced and eminent Psychologist based in Thrissur and Kochi. He is currently working as Consultant Psychologist & Child Specialist at POSITIVE Psycho therapeutic Clinic, Thrissur. He worked as a Consultant Psychologist, Dept. of Child and Adolescent Guidance Clinic, Healing Minds-A clinic for mind wellness, Kochi. He is also leading the Department of Child and Adolescent Guidance Clinic at CHILD Development & Psychotherapy Clinic, Kodungallur and Olive Health Care, Vatanapalli. Jayesh undertakes programs to increase awareness regarding mental health issues among the general population with the help of visual and print media.